Sunday 17 December 2006

Public Art – A Sorry State

Whilst on a recent walk about in the ward, I spotted that the items of public art previously situated to the side of the Gurdwara in Cranberry Avenue had been removed.

I eventually discovered that these items were chained together and hidden away from public view gathering rust. As a party, the Conservatives are extremely keen on ensuring the creation of attractive and positive environments in which to live and work and we appreciate the role that public art can play in this. However, I was disappointed to discover the location of these particular pieces, particularly given the work and cost that would have surely been involved in creating this originally.

I will, obviously, be raising questions with the Council over this matter and the future for these pieces of public art.

This seems to add a further twist to the art matters in Southampton following the recent investigations undertaken by my colleague and Freemantle ward member, Councillor Jeremy Moulton.

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